About Us
Supporting Business Owners in Building Family-Friendly Workplaces
Welcome to Family Forward Montana, where we’re working to uplift the value of family-friendly work environments across our state. An initiative of Zero to Five Montana, we are designed specifically for business owners like you, aiming to empower you to build workplaces that prioritize the well-being of employees and their families, ultimately enhancing your business success.
We firmly believe that when businesses invest in their employees’ work-life balance, they foster a happier and more productive workforce. This, in turn, leads to increased employee retention, heightened job satisfaction, and improved overall company performance. We are here to help you achieve these outcomes by providing guidance, resources, and a supportive community of like-minded business owners across Montana.
The Family Forward Montana initiative first emerged out of the Child Care for Your Workforce Summit in 2019, where employers and policy makers from across the state convened to discuss actionable strategies. Zero to Five Montana was awarded a child care grant from the Department of Public Health and Human Services in 2022 to uplift child care business supports and developed a new program, Montana Child Care Business Connect, to focus on child care business capacity through training, technical assistance, and consultation.
Since many of Montana’s employers are actively engaged in addressing child care solutions, growing the Family Forward Montana initiative was a key goal identified to enhance Montana’s early care and education ecosystem and help support employers, large and small, in doing their part. As this initiative builds momentum, we hope you’ll join us in being part of the solution.
Increased access to quality child care is a part of the work, but there are several other strategies you can engage in to ensure parents in your workforce are supported in the challenging task of balancing work and raising children. It’s okay to start small, and we’re here to guide you in identifying the strategies that work for you.
We thank you for being a part of the solution with us and look forward to working with you!
Key Features of Family Forward Montana
CONTACT US: (406) 513-1115 | familyforward@zerotofive.org
CONTACT US: (406) 513-1115
Other Ways to Engage

Understanding the diversity and varied challenges of our state, the Connect program provides invaluable one-on-one consultation and coaching opportunities. The program is spearheaded by our team of business and industry experts who facilitate in-depth, personalized pathways for solving complex issues. Their goal is to guide immediate and long-term goals of child care providers and engage employers and communities in the shared vision of an elevated child care system. Learn More

Zero to Five Montana is a statewide early childhood organization focused on increasing access to early care and education, supporting and strengthening families, uplifting voices, and empowering small businesses and communities. We are nonpartisan and focused on solutions that work toward a Montana dedicated to every child. Learn More